Grupy dyskusyjne

Zanim internet ze wzrastającą przepustowością łączy dotarł pod strzechy, dużą popularnością cieszyły się mailingowe listy dyskusyjne. Poniżej znajduje się anglojęzyczna lista większości znanych takich list dyskusyjnych, m. in. pierwsza polska lista dyskusyjna “astrologia“.

Obecnie technologia ta jest już nieco przestarzała i pocztowe listy dyskusyjne w dużej części utraciły swoją popularność na rzecz forów na witrynach www. W dalszym ciągu jednak jest wygodna dla tych, co nie chcą błądzić po różnych stronach www, logować się, a wolą otrzymywać wiadomości bezpośrednio do swojej skrzynki pocztowej i tą samą droga odpowiadać.

“CHA*OS-Stars” — born April 1, 1995, 12 noon, Bearsville, NY, USA, for dis­cus­sion by pro­fes­sion­als and seri­ous stu­dents inter­ested in how astrol­ogy relates to pol­i­tics, psy­chol­ogy, and other sci­ences and the arts. To sub­scribe send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Juli­enne Mul­lette. URL:

“PSYCH” — born Sep­tem­ber 21, 1995, 14:40 BST, Lon­don, Eng­land, for psy­cho­log­i­cal astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe send Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Marva Mason. URL:

“EXEGESIS” — born March 28, 1996 at 12:26 pm EST, 40N25 79W53. To sub­scribe send email to: with the mes­sage: exe­ge­sis and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Fran­cis Kostella. URL:

“FREEDOM” — born Octo­ber 6, 1996, 3:40pm EDT, South Plain­field, NJ, USA (74W25 40N35). To sub­scribe go to URL: and fol­low the direc­tions on the web form to be sub­scribed. Your sub­scrip­tion will be auto­mat­i­cally con­firmed by Email before list mail is sent. If you can­not visit the web­site, please Email the lis­towner at: with your request to be sub­scribed. This list has no mod­er­a­tor. URL:

“ATHENA” — born Jan­u­ary 26, 1997, 20:00 CDT, Dal­las, Texas, USA, for med­ical astrol­ogy and wholis­tic heal­ing. To sub­scribe send email to: with the mes­sage: JOIN athena youremail@address and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Eileen Nau­man. URL:

“SOLSTIX — Mar­cus Van­nuZini” — born Feb­ru­ary 5, 1997, 03:44 am (06:44 GMT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This mail­inglist is in the PORTUGUESE lan­guage. To sub­scribe send Email to: with the mes­sage:

sub­scribe sol­stix youremail@address


Mod­er­a­tor: Alexey Dodsworth.

“ASTRO-ROMANCE” — born April 22, 1997 at 20:34 GMT, Eugene, OR, USA. To sub­scribe send email to: request­ing to be sub­scribed to “Astro-Romance” and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Patri­cia Robi­nett. URL:

“CHILD-FAMILY” — born June 11, 1997 at 23:25 EDT, Mont­clair, New Jer­sey, USA to dis­cuss chil­dren and fam­ily issues from an astro­log­i­cal, psy­cho­log­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal view­point. To sub­scribe send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Juli­enne Mul­lette. URL:

“IRC-Astrologia” — born August 31, 1997, 10:46 am (13:46 GMT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This mail­inglist is in the PORTUGUESE lan­guage. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Luciana Leme ( LUA) URL:

“SINTONIA” — born Octo­ber 3, 1997, 20:39 GMT, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This mail­inglist is in the PORTUGUESE lan­guage. To sub­scribe send a per­sonal Email mes­sage to: and you will receive fur­ther details. Mod­er­a­tor: Ivan Fre­itas. URL:

“SYMMETRICAL ASTROLOGY” — born Octo­ber 18, 1997 at 02:20GMT, Mas­ter­ton, New Zealand (40S57 175E40). For Uran­ian Astrol­ogy, Ham­burg School, Cos­mo­bi­ol­ogy and Mid­points. To sub­scribe, go to: URL:

“SYSTEMS-APPROACH” — born Novem­ber 13, 1997 at 16:45 MST, Sandy, Utah, USA (40N35 111W53), for the dis­cus­sion of V.K. Choudhry’s method of ana­lyz­ing a natal Hindu chart. To sub­scribe go to the web­site or send blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Sandy Crowther. URL:

“ASTROLOGIE” — born Novem­ber 24, 1997 at 13:17 EST, Mon­treal, Que­bec, Canada. This mail­inglist is in the FRENCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Pierre Fontaine. URL:

“I_Predict” — born Jan­u­ary 9, 1998 at 16:52 CST, Mon­ter­rey, N.L., Mex­ico, for pro­fes­sional astrologers and seri­ous stu­dents shar­ing their research find­ings on all mat­ters related to the pre­dic­tion of future events through astro­log­i­cal tech­nique. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Dr. Gon­zalo Pena Tamez (a.k.a. Gonzo). URL:

“ASTROCUANTICA” — born March 4, 1998, 10:01:04 GMT, Valen­cia, Spain (39N28 00W22). This mail­inglist is in the SPANISH, ITALIAN and PORTUGUESE lan­guages. To sub­scribe send Email to: with the mes­sage: sub­scribe Astrocuan­tica and you will receive all details. Coor­di­na­tors: Mar­i­ano Ala­dren, Jose Luis Car­rion. Mod­er­a­tors: Arturo Mata, Pedro Mancebo. URL: URL:

“CENTAURS” — born March 24, 1998, 22:39 PST, San Jose, CA, USA (37N23 122W04). For dis­cus­sion of Chi­ron, Pho­lus, Nes­sus and the other Cen­tau­rean bod­ies. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Zane Stein. URL:

“Chi­nese Astrol­ogy” — born March 28, 1998 at mid­night, Sacra­mento, CA, USA. This list is ded­i­cated to the dis­cus­sion of var­i­ous sys­tems of Chi­nese Astrol­ogy such as Zi Wei Dou Shu and Four Pil­lars. Most of the dis­cus­sion is about Xuan Kong Fly­ing Stars Feng Shui. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Ray Lan­g­ley. URL:

“ASTROLOGIA” — born April 3, 1998 at 14:55 EET, War­saw, Poland. This mail­inglist is in the POLISH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Andrzej Ope­jda. URL:

“ZENITH” — born April 12, 1998 at 23:45 CED, Tirstrup, Den­mark (10E41 56N18). This mail­inglist is in the DANISH and SKANDINAVIAN lan­guages. To sub­scribe send Email to: with the sub­ject: tilmeld and you will receive all details. URL:

“ALL_ASTROLOGY” — The Astrologer’s Water Cooler, born May 23, 1998, at 07:08 PDT, Sonoma, CA, USA. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Claire-France Perez. URL:

“AstroT­woList” — born June 16, 1998 at 09:24 CED, Ams­ter­dam, The Nether­lands. This mail­inglist is in the DUTCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. URL:

“GJLIST” — born June 26, 1998 at 15:06 PDT, Eugene, OR, USA for Gora­vani Jyotish Soft­ware Sup­port and Jyotish astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: with the mes­sage: sub­scribe and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Das Gora­vani. URL:

“MIDPOINTS 101″ — born June 27, 1998 at 15:47 NZT, Mas­ter­ton, New Zealand, for begin­ners of Cos­mo­bi­ol­ogy, Uran­ian and other mid­point fields. To sub­scribe please send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Steve Lee. URL:

“PANPLANET” — born August 20, 1998 at 13:06 AEST, Wyn­yard, Tas­ma­nia, to pro­vide a forum to fully explore and enhance astro­log­i­cal themes in a pro­fes­sional man­ner and with an empha­sis on shar­ing and learn­ing. For the tra­di­tion­al­ist, con­tem­po­rary, stu­dent or expert. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Linda Reid. URL:

“Astrolo­giaital­iana” — born Decem­ber 19, 1998 in Flo­rence, Italy. This mail­inglist is in the ITALIAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Aniela Pratesi. URL:

“Astrologija” — born Feb­ru­ary 28th, 1999, at 15:05 GMT, Bel­grade, Yugoslavia. For astrologers from all ex-Yugoslavian coun­tries to encour­age their com­mu­ni­ca­tion and stim­u­late astro­log­i­cal insights. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Dubie Bacino. URL:

“STELLIUM” — born April 6, 1999 at 02:00 BZT(+3), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Offi­cial list of the National Astrol­ogy Web. This mail­inglist is in the PORTUGUESE lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tors: Alexey Dodsworth, Luciana Leme and Clau­dia Araújo. URL:

“Jyotish-ned” — born May 2, 1999 at 10:57:32 CED, Tilburg, The Nether­lands. This mail­inglist is in the DUTCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Roe­land de Looff. URL:

“Citys­tats Stock Mar­ket Astrol­ogy” — born August 11, 1999, at 11:11 GMT Brack­nell, Eng­land, pro­vides day trad­ing sig­nals for all stock­mar­kets and cur­rency mar­kets, free reports, etc. See web­site. To receive an invi­ta­tion to join, send Email to: with the sub­ject: ‘Info on Citys­tats free ser­vices’, and you will receive more infor­ma­tion. Mod­er­a­tor: Ali Mostofi. URL:

“Q2_AstroWeather” — born August 29, 1999 at 9:13 AM CDT, Hous­ton, TX, USA, to dis­cuss cur­rent weather and weather pre­dic­tions. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Lee Miller. URL:

“Rain­bow­Stars” — born Octo­ber 28, 1999 at 00:25:25 EST, Lemoyne, PA, USA, for gays, les­bians, bisex­u­als, etc. to dis­cuss astrol­ogy together. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Randy Kopy­cin­ski. URL:

“Horary­Hour” — born Novem­ber 2, 1999 at 10:55 AM, 118W32 34N23, to dis­cuss horary and elec­tional astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email mes­sage to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: John Mithras. URL:

“Astrea” — born Novem­ber 11, 1999, Mod­ena, Italy, to dis­cuss astrol­ogy in gen­eral. This mail­inglist is in the ITALIAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Rossella, Mod­er­a­tors: Antonella, Dea, Rossella, Tom­maso. URL:

“CONJUNCTION” — born Decem­ber 19, 1999 at 00:08 CET, Vienna, Aus­tria, for for­mer sub­scribers to the “Fes­ti­val” Mail­inglist and other astrologers world­wide. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Man­ager: Menega Sabidussi. URL:

“Astrolot­tol­ogy” — born Decem­ber 23, 1999, 13:30 GMT, Northamp­ton, Eng­land, for the appli­ca­tion of astro­log­i­cal the­o­ries and tech­niques to lot­ter­ies and other games of chance. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Shane McDer­mott. URL:

“Experience_Astrology” — born Jan­u­ary 11, 2000 at 19:05 PST, Mill Val­ley, CA, USA. Don ‘Moby Dick’ Jacobs’ Expe­ri­ence Astrol­ogy sys­tem, Astrol­ogy in the Bible, Horo­scope of Jesus. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Jayj Jacobs. URL:

“DATA_” — Feb­ru­ary 9, 2000 Hous­ton, Texas, USA, for the exchange and col­lec­tion of data and infor­ma­tion on all types of events and natals of those in the news. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Glenda Cole. URL:

“Acubens” — Feb­ru­ary 23, 2000 in Craiova, Roma­nia. This mail­inglist is in the ROMANIAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Mihaela Dicu. URL:

“Con­viv­ioas­tro­logico” — born July 13, 2000, 11:45 AM Rome, Italy. In the ITALIAN lan­guage, this mail­inglist is linked with the site and is reserved for seri­ous research on human­is­tic and psy­cho­log­i­cal astrol­ogy. Mem­ber­ship is free but depen­dent on entry level astro­log­i­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Reg­u­lar involve­ment is the main con­di­tion. More­over, it is com­pul­sory to sub­mit real name, tele­phone num­ber and address to the edi­tor. Owner: Mary Olmeda, Mod­er­a­tors: Lidia Fas­sio and San­dra Zagatti. URL: To sub­scribe email or send a blank email to and you will receive all details.

“Horoskope” — born Decem­ber 12, 2000 in Muel­heim, Ger­many, to dis­cuss charts. This mail­inglist is in the GERMAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe please send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Petra Bran­den­burg. URL:

“Astro­analyse” — born Decem­ber 19, 2000, The Hague, The Nether­lands. This mail­inglist is in the DUTCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all the details. URL:

“Angeli­cus Mer­lin” — born March 29, 2001 at 1:15 pm (123W41, 38N55) to study ancient meth­ods of horary, elec­tional, natal and mun­dane astrol­ogy as the ancients would, espe­cially William Lilly. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tors: Dorothy J. Kovach and Anton Grig­o­ryev. URL:

“JANUS ASTROLOGY” — born May 13 2001 at 3:15:48 NZT, Mas­ter­ton, New Zealand (40S57 175E40). For all who are inter­ested in ben­e­fit­ing from Janus soft­ware. To sub­scribe, please send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Steve Lee. URL:

“Infi­nite Astrol­ogy Cir­cle” — born May 31, 2001 at 9:53 am HST (-10), Ulu­palakua, HI, USA (156w24, 20n39), ded­i­cated to cre­at­ing the high­est vibra­tion of astro­log­i­cal dia­logue pos­si­ble. To sub­scribe, send a blank Email to: or visit the web­site. Mod­er­a­tor: Moses Sire­gar III. URL:

“Spiritus_Mundi” — born August 15, 2001 at 02:50 GMT, Hum­ble, Texas, USA, for astrologers inter­ested in astrol­ogy, includ­ing horary, elec­tional, natal & mun­dane, as well as tal­is­manic magic as they were prac­ticed before 1700. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Christo­pher Warnock. URL:

“Astro­Life” — born August 21, 2001 at 12:01 PDT, San Jose, CA, USA, for all lev­els to dis­cuss the appli­ca­tion of astrol­ogy to enrich our daily lives and to con­duct short study groups on var­i­ous astro­log­i­cal tech­niques. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Don­na­lyn URL:

“Astro­Mundi” — born Sep­tem­ber 24, 2001, to dis­cuss mun­dane astrol­ogy, the­o­ret­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal. A vari­ety of tech­niques and approaches are wel­come, includ­ing elec­tional astrol­ogy, cycles, astro-mapping, fixed stars, charts of world lead­ers and nations, eclipse paths, Hel­lenis­tic astrol­ogy, Medieval astrol­ogy, Uran­ian astrol­ogy, cos­mo­bi­ol­ogy, etc. To sub­scribe your full name is required. Send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. URL:

“Astralis_Forum” — born Novem­ber 3, 2001, Pisa, Italy, to dis­cuss Astrol­ogy, New Age and Mys­ter­ies. This mail­inglist is in the ITALIAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Paolo Forni. URL:

“Astrolo­gieN­amen” — born Jan­u­ary 25, 2002, in Ger­many, to dis­cuss Egypt­ian Astrol­ogy and espe­cially horo­scopes of names. This mail­inglist is in the GERMAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Edel­traud Lukas Moeller. URL:

“Astro­Re­alm” — born Feb 21, 2002 at 10:06 AM, Lon­don, Canada, to explore and learn about astrol­ogy in a com­fort­able envi­ron­ment. All types and lev­els of astrologers wel­come. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: or send Email to: Owners/Moderators: Tina Cal­ica Mys­tica and Renee Ser­rano. (, and now have all been merged.) URL:

“SIDERUM NUNTIUM” — born March 8, 2002, for Mun­dane, Finan­cial and Polit­i­cal Astrol­ogy. This mail­inglist is in the SPANISH, ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE lan­guages. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Mario F. Raskovsky. URL:

“Astrolog_List” — born April 4, 2002, 22:18 EDT, Augusta, GA, USA, for dis­cus­sion of the use and mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the Astrolog free­ware com­put­er­pro­gram. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. This list has no mod­er­a­tor. URL:

“Isis-Yanina” — born April 16, 2002 at 00:24 CED, Ams­ter­dam, The Nether­lands, for expe­ri­enced astrologers to exchange insights and ideas regard­ing west­ern astrol­ogy. This mail­inglist is in the DUTCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Gow­ina aan ‘t Goor. URL:

“ARGONAUTICA” — born 11 August 2002, Lafayette, IN, USA, to explore old and new meth­ods of mun­dane astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all the details. Mod­er­a­tor: Erin Tbos. URL:

“Jupiter Ris­ing” — born Sep­tem­ber 11, 2002. Gen­eral astro­log­i­cal dis­cus­sion group for the Suf­folk Astro­log­i­cal Soci­ety and friends from around the world. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all the details. Mod­er­a­tor: Glenda Cole. URL:

“LeesFo­rum” — born Feb­ru­ary 14, 2003 at 10:51 am CST, Hum­ble, Texas, USA. About event charts, horary and elec­tional astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Lee Miller. URL:

“AstroGroups” — born Feb­ru­ary 27, 2003 at 23:49. For UK astrol­ogy groups and soci­eties who want to share thoughts and ideas, share infor­ma­tion about speak­ers and pro­grammes or just talk to like minded peo­ple. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner/Moderators: Glenda Cole and Chris Mitchell. URL:

“StarSym­bols” — born June 22, 2003 at 6:46 pm PDT for the dis­cus­sion of degree, sign, star and con­stel­la­tion sym­bols and myths and their use in natal, pre­na­tal, and mun­dane astrolo­gies. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Ger­ald Koenig. URL:

“Oro­scopi” — born Sep­tem­ber 9, 2003, Milano, Italy, to dis­cuss Astrol­ogy in gen­eral and Egypt­ian Astrol­ogy espe­cially. This mail­inglist is in ITALIAN lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Edel­traud Lukas Moeller. URL:

“Pun­tos Médios en Español” — Born Sep­tem­ber 15, 2003 at 13:37 CDT, San Miguel de Allende, Gua­na­ju­ato, Mex­ico, for pro­fes­sion­als and stu­dents of Mid­point Astrol­ogy. Being the only Mid­point Astrol­ogy List in SPANISH in the inter­net, our aim is to learn, pro­mote, com­pile and update the def­i­n­i­tions of Rein­hold Ebertin and Alfred Witte in the Span­ish lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tor: Raul Quin­tanilla. URL:

“JYOTISHTOOL” — born Octo­ber 5, 2003 at 8:17 AM EDT, Mon­treal, Que­bec, Canada (45N31 073W34) for the dis­cus­sion of Brian Conrad’s soft­wares: Junior Jyotish & Jyotish Tool. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tors: Brian Con­rad & Fran­cois Car­riere. URL:

“SA-JYOTISH” — born Octo­ber 11, 2003 at 4:09 PM EDT, Mon­treal, Que­bec, Canada (45N31 073W34) for the dis­cus­sion of System’s Approach hindu astrol­ogy of V.K. Choudhry in the FRENCH lan­guage. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tors: Fran­cois Car­riere & Pierre Touchard. URL:

“The­Re­alAs­trol­ogy” — born Novem­ber 3, 2003 at 9:50 am CST, Mont­gomery, AL, USA, for the dis­cus­sion of horary astrol­ogy. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Mod­er­a­tors: Chad Henry and Mary­beth Beechen. URL:

“Astrol­ogy Research” — born April 7, 2005 at 15:03 in Wilm­ing­ton, NC, USA. Dis­cus­sion Group about research into astrol­ogy. It is pub­lic and any­one with an inter­est in the topic can join it and par­tic­i­pate. Edi­tor: Valentino Sal­vato. To sub­scribe, go to the web­site. URL:

“Astrologie-Orara” — born on April 26, 2005, at 8:47 pm EED, Tirgu Mures, Roma­nia to dis­cuss horary astrol­ogy in Roman­ian lan­guage. To sign up, send a blank email to: Mod­er­a­tor: Radu Moisoiu. URL:

“PROLUNA” — born Novem­ber 28, 2006 at 18:32 EST, Mon­treal, Canada. 73W34, 45N31. This mail­inglist is in the FRENCH lan­guage. Other lan­guages accepted if a french trans­la­tion is pro­vided by its author. Pro­motes Boris Cristoff works. To sub­scribe go to the web­site, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Man­ager: François Car­rière. URL:

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