Zanim internet ze wzrastającą przepustowością łączy dotarł pod strzechy, dużą popularnością cieszyły się mailingowe listy dyskusyjne. Poniżej znajduje się anglojęzyczna lista większości znanych takich list dyskusyjnych, m. in. pierwsza polska lista dyskusyjna “astrologia“.
Obecnie technologia ta jest już nieco przestarzała i pocztowe listy dyskusyjne w dużej części utraciły swoją popularność na rzecz forów na witrynach www. W dalszym ciągu jednak jest wygodna dla tych, co nie chcą błądzić po różnych stronach www, logować się, a wolą otrzymywać wiadomości bezpośrednio do swojej skrzynki pocztowej i tą samą droga odpowiadać.
“CHA*OS-Stars” — born April 1, 1995, 12 noon, Bearsville, NY, USA, for discussion by professionals and serious students interested in how astrology relates to politics, psychology, and other sciences and the arts. To subscribe send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Julienne Mullette. URL:
“PSYCH” — born September 21, 1995, 14:40 BST, London, England, for psychological astrology. To subscribe send Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Marva Mason. URL:
“EXEGESIS” — born March 28, 1996 at 12:26 pm EST, 40N25 79W53. To subscribe send email to: with the message: exegesis and you will receive all details. Moderator: Francis Kostella. URL:
“FREEDOM” — born October 6, 1996, 3:40pm EDT, South Plainfield, NJ, USA (74W25 40N35). To subscribe go to URL: and follow the directions on the web form to be subscribed. Your subscription will be automatically confirmed by Email before list mail is sent. If you cannot visit the website, please Email the listowner at: with your request to be subscribed. This list has no moderator. URL:
“ATHENA” — born January 26, 1997, 20:00 CDT, Dallas, Texas, USA, for medical astrology and wholistic healing. To subscribe send email to: with the message: JOIN athena youremail@address and you will receive all details. Moderator: Eileen Nauman. URL:
“SOLSTIX — Marcus VannuZini” — born February 5, 1997, 03:44 am (06:44 GMT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This mailinglist is in the PORTUGUESE language. To subscribe send Email to: with the message:
subscribe solstix youremail@address
Moderator: Alexey Dodsworth.
“ASTRO-ROMANCE” — born April 22, 1997 at 20:34 GMT, Eugene, OR, USA. To subscribe send email to: requesting to be subscribed to “Astro-Romance” and you will receive all details. Moderator: Patricia Robinett. URL:
“CHILD-FAMILY” — born June 11, 1997 at 23:25 EDT, Montclair, New Jersey, USA to discuss children and family issues from an astrological, psychological and historical viewpoint. To subscribe send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Julienne Mullette. URL:
“IRC-Astrologia” — born August 31, 1997, 10:46 am (13:46 GMT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This mailinglist is in the PORTUGUESE language. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Luciana Leme ( LUA) URL:
“SINTONIA” — born October 3, 1997, 20:39 GMT, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This mailinglist is in the PORTUGUESE language. To subscribe send a personal Email message to: and you will receive further details. Moderator: Ivan Freitas. URL:
“SYMMETRICAL ASTROLOGY” — born October 18, 1997 at 02:20GMT, Masterton, New Zealand (40S57 175E40). For Uranian Astrology, Hamburg School, Cosmobiology and Midpoints. To subscribe, go to: URL:
“SYSTEMS-APPROACH” — born November 13, 1997 at 16:45 MST, Sandy, Utah, USA (40N35 111W53), for the discussion of V.K. Choudhry’s method of analyzing a natal Hindu chart. To subscribe go to the website or send blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Sandy Crowther. URL:
“ASTROLOGIE” — born November 24, 1997 at 13:17 EST, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This mailinglist is in the FRENCH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Pierre Fontaine. URL:
“I_Predict” — born January 9, 1998 at 16:52 CST, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, for professional astrologers and serious students sharing their research findings on all matters related to the prediction of future events through astrological technique. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Dr. Gonzalo Pena Tamez (a.k.a. Gonzo). URL:
“ASTROCUANTICA” — born March 4, 1998, 10:01:04 GMT, Valencia, Spain (39N28 00W22). This mailinglist is in the SPANISH, ITALIAN and PORTUGUESE languages. To subscribe send Email to: with the message: subscribe Astrocuantica and you will receive all details. Coordinators: Mariano Aladren, Jose Luis Carrion. Moderators: Arturo Mata, Pedro Mancebo. URL: URL:
“CENTAURS” — born March 24, 1998, 22:39 PST, San Jose, CA, USA (37N23 122W04). For discussion of Chiron, Pholus, Nessus and the other Centaurean bodies. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Zane Stein. URL:
“Chinese Astrology” — born March 28, 1998 at midnight, Sacramento, CA, USA. This list is dedicated to the discussion of various systems of Chinese Astrology such as Zi Wei Dou Shu and Four Pillars. Most of the discussion is about Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Ray Langley. URL:
“ASTROLOGIA” — born April 3, 1998 at 14:55 EET, Warsaw, Poland. This mailinglist is in the POLISH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Andrzej Opejda. URL:
“ZENITH” — born April 12, 1998 at 23:45 CED, Tirstrup, Denmark (10E41 56N18). This mailinglist is in the DANISH and SKANDINAVIAN languages. To subscribe send Email to: with the subject: tilmeld and you will receive all details. URL:
“ALL_ASTROLOGY” — The Astrologer’s Water Cooler, born May 23, 1998, at 07:08 PDT, Sonoma, CA, USA. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Claire-France Perez. URL:
“AstroTwoList” — born June 16, 1998 at 09:24 CED, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This mailinglist is in the DUTCH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. URL:
“GJLIST” — born June 26, 1998 at 15:06 PDT, Eugene, OR, USA for Goravani Jyotish Software Support and Jyotish astrology. To subscribe send a blank Email to: with the message: subscribe and you will receive all details. Moderator: Das Goravani. URL:
“MIDPOINTS 101″ — born June 27, 1998 at 15:47 NZT, Masterton, New Zealand, for beginners of Cosmobiology, Uranian and other midpoint fields. To subscribe please send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Steve Lee. URL:
“PANPLANET” — born August 20, 1998 at 13:06 AEST, Wynyard, Tasmania, to provide a forum to fully explore and enhance astrological themes in a professional manner and with an emphasis on sharing and learning. For the traditionalist, contemporary, student or expert. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Linda Reid. URL:
“Astrologiaitaliana” — born December 19, 1998 in Florence, Italy. This mailinglist is in the ITALIAN language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Aniela Pratesi. URL:
“Astrologija” — born February 28th, 1999, at 15:05 GMT, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. For astrologers from all ex-Yugoslavian countries to encourage their communication and stimulate astrological insights. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Dubie Bacino. URL:
“STELLIUM” — born April 6, 1999 at 02:00 BZT(+3), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Official list of the National Astrology Web. This mailinglist is in the PORTUGUESE language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderators: Alexey Dodsworth, Luciana Leme and Claudia Araújo. URL:
“Jyotish-ned” — born May 2, 1999 at 10:57:32 CED, Tilburg, The Netherlands. This mailinglist is in the DUTCH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Roeland de Looff. URL:
“Citystats Stock Market Astrology” — born August 11, 1999, at 11:11 GMT Bracknell, England, provides day trading signals for all stockmarkets and currency markets, free reports, etc. See website. To receive an invitation to join, send Email to: with the subject: ‘Info on Citystats free services’, and you will receive more information. Moderator: Ali Mostofi. URL:
“Q2_AstroWeather” — born August 29, 1999 at 9:13 AM CDT, Houston, TX, USA, to discuss current weather and weather predictions. To subscribe go to the website, or send blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Lee Miller. URL:
“RainbowStars” — born October 28, 1999 at 00:25:25 EST, Lemoyne, PA, USA, for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc. to discuss astrology together. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Randy Kopycinski. URL:
“HoraryHour” — born November 2, 1999 at 10:55 AM, 118W32 34N23, to discuss horary and electional astrology. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email message to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: John Mithras. URL:
“Astrea” — born November 11, 1999, Modena, Italy, to discuss astrology in general. This mailinglist is in the ITALIAN language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Rossella, Moderators: Antonella, Dea, Rossella, Tommaso. URL:
“CONJUNCTION” — born December 19, 1999 at 00:08 CET, Vienna, Austria, for former subscribers to the “Festival” Mailinglist and other astrologers worldwide. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Manager: Menega Sabidussi. URL:
“Astrolottology” — born December 23, 1999, 13:30 GMT, Northampton, England, for the application of astrological theories and techniques to lotteries and other games of chance. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Shane McDermott. URL:
“Experience_Astrology” — born January 11, 2000 at 19:05 PST, Mill Valley, CA, USA. Don ‘Moby Dick’ Jacobs’ Experience Astrology system, Astrology in the Bible, Horoscope of Jesus. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Jayj Jacobs. URL:
“DATA_” — February 9, 2000 Houston, Texas, USA, for the exchange and collection of data and information on all types of events and natals of those in the news. To subscribe go to the website, or send blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Glenda Cole. URL:
“Acubens” — February 23, 2000 in Craiova, Romania. This mailinglist is in the ROMANIAN language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Mihaela Dicu. URL:
“Convivioastrologico” — born July 13, 2000, 11:45 AM Rome, Italy. In the ITALIAN language, this mailinglist is linked with the site and is reserved for serious research on humanistic and psychological astrology. Membership is free but dependent on entry level astrological certification. Regular involvement is the main condition. Moreover, it is compulsory to submit real name, telephone number and address to the editor. Owner: Mary Olmeda, Moderators: Lidia Fassio and Sandra Zagatti. URL: To subscribe email or send a blank email to and you will receive all details.
“Horoskope” — born December 12, 2000 in Muelheim, Germany, to discuss charts. This mailinglist is in the GERMAN language. To subscribe please send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Petra Brandenburg. URL:
“Astroanalyse” — born December 19, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. This mailinglist is in the DUTCH language. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all the details. URL:
“Angelicus Merlin” — born March 29, 2001 at 1:15 pm (123W41, 38N55) to study ancient methods of horary, electional, natal and mundane astrology as the ancients would, especially William Lilly. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderators: Dorothy J. Kovach and Anton Grigoryev. URL:
“JANUS ASTROLOGY” — born May 13 2001 at 3:15:48 NZT, Masterton, New Zealand (40S57 175E40). For all who are interested in benefiting from Janus software. To subscribe, please send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Steve Lee. URL:
“Infinite Astrology Circle” — born May 31, 2001 at 9:53 am HST (-10), Ulupalakua, HI, USA (156w24, 20n39), dedicated to creating the highest vibration of astrological dialogue possible. To subscribe, send a blank Email to: or visit the website. Moderator: Moses Siregar III. URL:
“Spiritus_Mundi” — born August 15, 2001 at 02:50 GMT, Humble, Texas, USA, for astrologers interested in astrology, including horary, electional, natal & mundane, as well as talismanic magic as they were practiced before 1700. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Christopher Warnock. URL:
“AstroLife” — born August 21, 2001 at 12:01 PDT, San Jose, CA, USA, for all levels to discuss the application of astrology to enrich our daily lives and to conduct short study groups on various astrological techniques. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Donnalyn URL:
“AstroMundi” — born September 24, 2001, to discuss mundane astrology, theoretical and historical. A variety of techniques and approaches are welcome, including electional astrology, cycles, astro-mapping, fixed stars, charts of world leaders and nations, eclipse paths, Hellenistic astrology, Medieval astrology, Uranian astrology, cosmobiology, etc. To subscribe your full name is required. Send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. URL:
“Astralis_Forum” — born November 3, 2001, Pisa, Italy, to discuss Astrology, New Age and Mysteries. This mailinglist is in the ITALIAN language. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Paolo Forni. URL:
“AstrologieNamen” — born January 25, 2002, in Germany, to discuss Egyptian Astrology and especially horoscopes of names. This mailinglist is in the GERMAN language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Edeltraud Lukas Moeller. URL:
“AstroRealm” — born Feb 21, 2002 at 10:06 AM, London, Canada, to explore and learn about astrology in a comfortable environment. All types and levels of astrologers welcome. To subscribe send a blank Email to: or send Email to: Owners/Moderators: Tina Calica Mystica and Renee Serrano. (, and now have all been merged.) URL:
“SIDERUM NUNTIUM” — born March 8, 2002, for Mundane, Financial and Political Astrology. This mailinglist is in the SPANISH, ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE languages. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Mario F. Raskovsky. URL:
“Astrolog_List” — born April 4, 2002, 22:18 EDT, Augusta, GA, USA, for discussion of the use and modification of the Astrolog freeware computerprogram. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. This list has no moderator. URL:
“Isis-Yanina” — born April 16, 2002 at 00:24 CED, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, for experienced astrologers to exchange insights and ideas regarding western astrology. This mailinglist is in the DUTCH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Gowina aan ‘t Goor. URL:
“ARGONAUTICA” — born 11 August 2002, Lafayette, IN, USA, to explore old and new methods of mundane astrology. To subscribe send a blank Email to: and you will receive all the details. Moderator: Erin Tbos. URL:
“Jupiter Rising” — born September 11, 2002. General astrological discussion group for the Suffolk Astrological Society and friends from around the world. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all the details. Moderator: Glenda Cole. URL:
“LeesForum” — born February 14, 2003 at 10:51 am CST, Humble, Texas, USA. About event charts, horary and electional astrology. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Lee Miller. URL:
“AstroGroups” — born February 27, 2003 at 23:49. For UK astrology groups and societies who want to share thoughts and ideas, share information about speakers and programmes or just talk to like minded people. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner/Moderators: Glenda Cole and Chris Mitchell. URL:
“StarSymbols” — born June 22, 2003 at 6:46 pm PDT for the discussion of degree, sign, star and constellation symbols and myths and their use in natal, prenatal, and mundane astrologies. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Gerald Koenig. URL:
“Oroscopi” — born September 9, 2003, Milano, Italy, to discuss Astrology in general and Egyptian Astrology especially. This mailinglist is in ITALIAN language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank email to: and you will receive all details. Owner: Edeltraud Lukas Moeller. URL:
“Puntos Médios en Español” — Born September 15, 2003 at 13:37 CDT, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, for professionals and students of Midpoint Astrology. Being the only Midpoint Astrology List in SPANISH in the internet, our aim is to learn, promote, compile and update the definitions of Reinhold Ebertin and Alfred Witte in the Spanish language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderator: Raul Quintanilla. URL:
“JYOTISHTOOL” — born October 5, 2003 at 8:17 AM EDT, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (45N31 073W34) for the discussion of Brian Conrad’s softwares: Junior Jyotish & Jyotish Tool. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderators: Brian Conrad & Francois Carriere. URL:
“SA-JYOTISH” — born October 11, 2003 at 4:09 PM EDT, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (45N31 073W34) for the discussion of System’s Approach hindu astrology of V.K. Choudhry in the FRENCH language. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderators: Francois Carriere & Pierre Touchard. URL:
“TheRealAstrology” — born November 3, 2003 at 9:50 am CST, Montgomery, AL, USA, for the discussion of horary astrology. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Moderators: Chad Henry and Marybeth Beechen. URL:
“Astrology Research” — born April 7, 2005 at 15:03 in Wilmington, NC, USA. Discussion Group about research into astrology. It is public and anyone with an interest in the topic can join it and participate. Editor: Valentino Salvato. To subscribe, go to the website. URL:
“Astrologie-Orara” — born on April 26, 2005, at 8:47 pm EED, Tirgu Mures, Romania to discuss horary astrology in Romanian language. To sign up, send a blank email to: Moderator: Radu Moisoiu. URL:
“PROLUNA” — born November 28, 2006 at 18:32 EST, Montreal, Canada. 73W34, 45N31. This mailinglist is in the FRENCH language. Other languages accepted if a french translation is provided by its author. Promotes Boris Cristoff works. To subscribe go to the website, or send a blank Email to: and you will receive all details. Manager: François Carrière. URL: